New Beginnings - My Story

So how does it feel to start all over again at the age of 40? Exciting, exhilarating, scary, HUMBLING. Even though I’ve gone through the whole gamut of emotions in the past two months, I'm still so thankful that I found myself closer to and more dependent on God. I am a person of faith. And what I’ve learned from over 20 years of walking with Him, is that the things that we love, are passionate about, and are worth fighting for in life, will require sacrifice, a whole lot of grit and FAITH. Now don’t discount that last one. ;) Maybe you’re reading this and don’t have personal faith in something or Someone higher, but it’s actually a huge part of who I am and why I live the way I do. Maybe you feel stuck somewhere in life and feel you need your own new beginning, a pivot or a complete overhaul! I’ll share a little bit of my story that lead me here today. Draw from it what you may: Inspiration. Perspective. Perhaps little boost in your own faith.

Like most stories, mine begins in my childhood. I was the kid who wanted to try everything. If it was artsy and craftsy, I was THERE! Didn’t have to ask me twice. An afternoon spent coloring, drawing, painting, cutting and pasting things together was ideal for me. I could really get lost in it. And being an artistic kid who tried everything, it presented a good problem: I wanted to do TOO MUCH and just spend ALL of my time doing ALL the things! At the age of 6 I start to intuitively figure out the piano, and my parents saw potential in that. So I started piano lessons, and stuck with it all the way to high school. I still doodled here and there, but did not have formal training or substantial time invested like I had with piano.

As I approached senior year, I had to ask myself a big-girl question: What will you major in? Since art kind of took a backseat, the only thing I felt inclined to pursue was music. I didn’t take the time to think it through. I didn’t get second opinions. I didn’t seek academic counsel. I didn’t pray on it a lick! Because I had abandoned my faith in the midst of adolescence and became an atheist. In my eyes, there was only one thing I was ever going to be good at: music. Well I did just that. I declared a Bachelor in Arts with an emphasis in Piano Performance. But why?? I didn’t want to perform classical piano. I stayed in school for 5 years, yet never finishing. I definitely went through the motions. Now don’t get me wrong. I worked diligently on my technique. I performed a full-length, memorized senior recital! Music indeed opened so many doors for me over the years. I played in a couple rock bands and even had the privilege to music direct in theatre and when I finally gave my life to Jesus, I lead our church praise team til this day. Very cool gigs if you ask me!

Around 2001 I decided to teach private piano lessons out of my house. I had no idea how long I’d stick with it. I honestly wanted to make some cash on the side along with my retail jobs. By 2004, I gave my life to Jesus, and eventually I quit my barista job and decided to make piano teaching my main career. Never took one business or entrepreneurial class. Just did it, and learned through the school of hard knocks! After 21 years, I had a studio that was busting at the seems with a waiting list. I then had another good problem: I built a successful business and was prospering and financially comfortable, but was growing to be more and more unfulfilled. The pandemic made us all feel so raw about virtual learning and the frustrations that came with it. The aftermath wasn’t any easier. I thought more and more about how I questioned my choice on majoring in music. Now that I had the Lord, it was time to PRAY.

During the pandemic, I decided to start sketching again out of nowhere. Then I KEPT sketching. Then by the time I knew it I was keeping a sketchbook and actively working on my skills and improving. Then my husband asked me almost everyday, “What did you draw today?” It became a part of my life, and joy was returning. God showed me that I do in fact still love art and it was calling to me, and maybe, just maybe it was also a part of my purpose. By the end of 2022, I was tearfully crying out to God in faith. “Lord what will you do with my life? What’s next for me?” I cried and cried, and finally one day He spoke back. Now if you know me, I WILL NOT move on an idea unless God confirms it, especially a life-changing one! That’s what He’s there for. To do life with us. To lead and guide us because He knows what’s best for us.

I RAN WITH THAT WORD for my life. I let all the families in my piano studio know this would be my last year, and made my plans to renovate the back of our house into an art classroom. I had two months to accomplish this and let me tell you…GOD PROVIDED even if I had no income! If you’re certain you heard from the Lord, don’t be afraid! He held my hand through every step. He spoke. He comforted. He reassured me. He did countless miracles in my midst. And believe me when I say there was opposition in every way there could be, both inwardly, all around me, physically and emotionally.

This school is a product of grace and faith. It would not be here without God and His miraculous ways. Because of that, I give it back to Him. It will be a place where my students will experience His perfect peace and love, through the medium of art. He is after all, the greatest Artist and Designer of all time. I hope my story has blessed and encouraged you today. It was quite an uphill battle to get here, but worth it all.


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